Friday, May 14, 2010

Grand Master's Message

Warmest Fraternal Greetings to all my Brother Masons!

With the onset of Masonic Year 2010-2011, we begin a new chapter for our Brotherhood at a most auspicious time. As our country braces for the coming elections, we are faced with the need to use the power of our vote to usher in the kind of government that will rid our country of poverty, inequity, injustice, and crime.

As your new Grand Master, I have resolved to steer our Brotherhood towards that goal. Thus, the scope of our service to others will expand from the delivery of basic services to the less fortunate to the conduct of prompt relief operations in times of natural calamities to the advocacy of active citizenship and environmental protection. This may be a tall order but in keeping with the Tenets of our Craft, we must contribute our share in the task to spread more Light in our country that sometimes teeter towards stagnation or self-destruction.

To achieve this goal, we must anchor our plans and activities on the following theme "By Precept and Example, We Shall Distinguish our Conduct as Men and as Masons." By fusing our teachings with good deeds, we will gain for our Brotherhood a greater capacity to serve our country and people. This is the service we wish to render as members of the Craft whose aim is to bring brotherly love, relief and truth in an increasingly material world.

I therefore call upon all the brethren to help me attain the substance of our theme. Your support will hasten the melding of our precepts and actions to achieve the immediate fulfillment of the purpose of existence of Freemasonry in this part of the world. As Masons, we ought to work as a team the way our forebearers synchronized their endeavors in the building of great temples and other edifices all for the glory of the Great Architect of the Universe. Today, we help build communities and even nations; but labor in all humility as we all draw inspiration from the Greatest Artificer whose tools and implement are enabled by infinite wisdom and who breath life to our Universe.

Let us join hands in making our precepts and exemplary actions distinguish us as Men and as Masons. Let us all continue to make the difference in the world!


Avelino I. Razon, Jr.
Grand Master

Source: The Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of the Philippines, Installation of Officers, Masonic Year 2010-2011, Jose Abad Santos Hall, Grand Lodge Temple, 1440 San Marcelino Street, Ermita Manila, Philippines, 2010 April 24.


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